Sparkinator Blog

What Should a Lawyer Blog About?

Written by Glenn Chapman | Mar 8, 2018 9:37:21 PM

What should a lawyer blog about? Let's qualify this question by narrowing the purpose of your blog posts to be: attracting more clients to your firm.  Of course, any blog post that brings traffic to your website has some potential to do this, but context and relevancy are key here. The more relevant your topics, the greater chance you'll have of attracting the right kind of traffic. The kind of traffic that clicks through to other pages on your website after reading your blog. The kind of traffic that includes individuals "feeling connected" to your content to the point of reaching out and taking some action to connect further. The kind of traffic that includes lead conversions.

Know Your Audience

The first step with this is to know your audience. Developing buyer personas, or semi-fictional representations of your ideal clients, helps greatly with this. Once you've developed several, you can limit all your blog writing to these "characters" exclusively. That provides you with an excellent process of elimination for topic selection: if your topic will not be attractive to any of your buyer personas, you should drop it immediately.

Your audience of buyer personas are on one end of this equation. You, or your writers, are on the other side. Here are 3 ideas for content creation as categorized by the likely producers, or writers, for each category.

Possible Content Creators

1. You, the Attorney and Legal Expert

Many attorneys write on legal topics to display their considerable expertise. These types of blog posts assist with developing your ethos, and making a potential client more comfortable about your ability to assist them.  However, this type of information is often viewed later in the buying process. For example, a search like "personal injury laws" may be conducted long after a search like "can I sue for hot coffee dumped on my lap." The good news about writing on the legal topics is that your readers are obviously interested in specific legal questions and may reach out for help quickly. The downside is they may already have found competing firms while searching for earlier-stage related topics like the "hot coffee" search above.

2. Your Empathetic Marketer

A good marketing content creator will dive deep into the buyer personas and try to empathize to the point of understanding your future clients right down to what they are doing online. Then they will produce empathetic content -- content that is designed to capture specialized interests. Done properly, the content viewer will be led down a content pathway, reading one item after the next. The allure is subtle, yet clearly leads to the destination of your appropriate legal advice.

Great marketing professionals know that the pain of remaining the same must become greater than the pain of change before a change will occur. Consequently, this form of blogging emphasizes the personal, human consequences that inadequate legal counsel can result in. For example, pure personal agony often pre-dates divorce proceedings and finding legal help. As a result, blogging about how to cope with such feelings directly may read more like a counseling or self-help article. But the connection to legal help is powerful, since an important piece of ending the agony is quality representation.

3. Empathetic Clients

Finding great empathetic content may be as simple as asking those who have concluded a legal proceeding recently -- or even years ago. Can you hire a former client to write about their experience with the process? This is a case study from the client's perspective. Who would be most interested in reading about something like this? Obviously, your buyer personas! People want to know what they will be in for -- what they will experience -- good and bad.

There are infinite topics for lawyers to blog about. Start by developing buyer personas and the accompanying process of elimination. Then, direct your legal expertise into writing directly to these personas. Answer the questions they ask you repeatedly. Finally, find others that can better relate to the client side of the legal experience. Ask them to build out your client-empathetic content to also direct at your ideal customers.

Schedule a digital marketing audit today and talk with one of our marketing experts. We'll walk you through what you can do to enhance your blog and begin converting more of your traffic into valuable leads.